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                    My right eye only has 2.5 per cent of the normal

                    vision. I underwent an operation and a painful
                    yet ineffective face-down recovery last year as

                    the macular hole is bigger than natural cases of


        Yeung reveals he received some  tons  are  also  used  by  the  police  in  with heavy bleeding. He also suf-
     hostile calls and messages on his Fa-  protests during the anti-extradition  fered bone fracture on one of his fin-
     cebook account after he got injured.  bill movement.                    gers on the right hand.
     “I told the media that I did not hate   Jacob Chu, an 18-year-old high     “After being pressed to the
     the police officer who fired, as it is  school student, is one of the protest-  ground, I shouted  my name and
     not my intention to let hatred take  ers experiencing long-lasting impact  school to people nearby. A police of-
     center stage. I just want to stay ra-  from serious injuries caused by an al-  ficer warned me not to play tricks be-
     tional and have those who have vio-  leged police attack.               fore giving me first aid. I was fright-
     lated the law punished.” He wrote on   Chu joined a human chain cam-    ened. My dad was angry, and my
     his Facebook on March 9, 2020.      paign in Tai Po on September 7,  mom was worried about my head
        And he feels fortunate that most  2019, in support of the anti-extradi-  injuries. They came to the hospital
     of his family members and friends are  tion bill movement. As he was leav-  immediately,” says Chu. A picture of
     on his side. “Some of them (Yeung’s  ing from the peaceful protest, police  him being pushed onto the ground
     family  members  and  friends)  think  stormed into Tai Po Market MTR sta-  with a pool of blood around his head
     that the price I paid is too high when  tion and made some arrests. Chu was  was widely circulated online.
     they first saw my injured eye. But the  seized by a police officer and beaten   The 18-year-old was sent to Alice
     ever-escalating physical and institu-  with baton. His head was wounded  Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital.
     tional violence against the people
     from the authorities and the contin-
     uous sacrifices made by numerous     Jacob receiving first aid from police officers after clashes with police on September
                                                                   7, 2019 (Photo courtesy of Hong Kong Citizen News)
     citizens have shown us that this is
     everyone’s fight,” he adds.
        “Police brutality is real. It could
     happen to you and me. It is also one
     of the greatest threats to human
     rights and democracy. It may seem
     less destructive than military op-
     pression, but it may be even more
     harmful as it is often committed
     in the name of law enforcement,”
     says Yeung. “Some people and even
     judges would believe it as justifiable
     to a certain extent. It becomes the
     best weapon of a tyranny as it can be
     abused without much consequence.”
        Tear gas, weapons like pepper
     spray, water cannon, bullets and ba-
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