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58 / Lifestyle

        2019 and signed a one-year contract.
        According to the contract terms, Kao
        was not allowed to create any ad-
        vertising  posts  for other  cosmetics
        companies. The program recruited
        university and secondary school stu-
        dents as promoters for both online
        and offline promotions.
            “Being accepted by Maybelline
        is my greatest reward in this career.
        I  feel  like  my ability  in  marketing
        is recognised,” Kao says, “I had an
        interview before I was successfully
        selected  as  Maybelline’s  online  in-
        fluencer. The interviewers required
        me to design a campaign to pro-
        mote their brand and pitch an idea
        to them. I was so glad that my idea
        brought me to the company.”         Kao prepares for her Instagram post at Maybelline’s studio. (Photo courtesy of Ruby
                                            Kao Hoi-tung)
           “I used to prepare shooting equip-
        ment and make-ups myself when I     Tube channel. “I want to start my  representative nor convincing. Cus-
        was  not  a  contract  staff  of  Maybel-  own channel this summer for my-  tomers may be misled,” she says.
        line. I had to take selfies and edit   self instead of for other brands.”  She also faced the problem of low
        them by myself when I did one-time      “I spend time understanding  and unstable income like Kao. “It is
        online marketing campaigns for oth-  products before I promote them in  impossible to have a full-time and
        er brands. The whole process took   public,” Kao says, “I want to live up  long term career in online market-
        several hours,” she says. Maybelline,   to the expectations of my followers.”  ing as an influencer as the income
        in contrast, provided  studios and     Marsha Yu Man-shan, a Year 3  fluctuates,” she adds.
        photographers for Kao. The arrange-  student of Hong Kong Baptist Uni-    But the main reason why Yu gave
        ments made Kao’s job much easier.   versity, also stopped working as an  up her online marketing job is the
           Despite  receiving full  assistance   online influencer after joining the  anti-Extradition  Law Amendment
        from the brand, there were times    industry for a year.                Bill (anti-ELAB) movement in Hong
        when she thought about quitting        “I  started  my  freelance  work as  Kong. In her view, it is inappropriate
        the industry. “I worried about how   an Instagram influencer when I was  to post advertisements during the
        others thought of me. I questioned   in Year 1. I was 18 at that time,” she  social  movement  because  they dis-
        myself, ‘Do my followers like my    adds, “I joined this industry only for  tract others from knowing the most
        photos? Do they think I am hard-                  money.”
        selling? Will they unfollow me?’ I                      She describes
        felt stressed,” she says. These worries               the industry as                  “
        faded away when her friends once                       disordered and     I may still consider
        actively assisted her in selecting                     messy, as any-
        photos  for  an advertisement  cam-                    one can join      re-joining the indus-
        paign of Maybelline. “Their encour-                   the trade.  “Eve-    try when the anti-
        aging words motivate me a lot,” she                 ryone can be an
        says.                                   Marsha Yu   influencer. Many      ELAB issue is not a
            But Kao has no plan to renew her     Man-shan   of them spread        topic of intense de-
        contract with Maybelline. “Some                     product informa-
        people around me dislike Maybel-    tion just for money rather than rec-  bate in Hong Kong
        line due to political reasons,” Kao   ommending high-quality brands to
        says. She will also stop promoting   others. Advertising posts are neither
        other brands and start her own You-                                                    ”
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