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                                    Young Instagram


                  Instagram influencers are trending among university students for
                                                     self-recognition and some pocket money

                                                                                         By Mandy Yim

      Kong, started her career as an Insta-  of New Media Group, a media com-  was little. I only got sample products
      gram influencer in 2018 when she  pany in Hong Kong. It does match-    and travel allowances after posting
      was 18. The business major student’s  ing for brands and job seekers who  advertisements. The pay was low
      Instagram account now has more  want to join the influencer market-    which was around $100 per post,”
      than 4000 followers. Her one-year  ing industry.                       she says.
      contract  with  Maybelline  has  just   Kao was not satisfied with  jobs   She joined a digital marketing
      ended.                             she had when she was a freelancer.  program initiated by Maybelline,
        “Before working with Maybel-     “The money I got from one-time jobs  namely Babelline Society, in March
      line, I have been doing online adver-
      tising for three brands. They are Shu                                “
      Uemura, M.A.C and Happy Socks. I     Besides money, the main factor pushing
      contacted  the  brands  through  on-
      line media platforms such as Zolar,”   influencers to continue their career is the
      she adds, “They are one-time jobs. I                 vanity to be famous
      did not have a long-term employ-
      ment relationship with the brands.”
        Zolar, formally established in
      early 2019, is an associated business                                ”
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