Let’s Come Out and Do Sports!
Dennis Philipse, a Dutch who moved to Hong Kong ten years ago, founded Out in HK to connect LGBTQs by organising various activities, and helped Hong Kong win the right to host the Gay Games 2022.
Transforming Structures to Images
Architectural photographer, Leon Xu, captures the beauty of a building with his knowledge in Architecture and art sense.
Telling the Tales of Trashes
Young upcycling designer Kevin Cheung Wai-chun breaks through conventional ways of product designing using waste as raw materials for his creations. We talk to the “rubbish guy” about his special way of telling stories about the city.
From Studio to the Frontline
Dicky Ma, a local freelance portrait photographer records the anti-extradition bill movement through his camera lenses.
Saving Homeless Cats
Volunteer cat rescuer Lisa Olausen has saved thousands of cats in Hong Kong out of her love and care for her furry friends.
A Wanderer’s Story
Traveller Siuming finds meaning of life through her soul searching journeys and charity work abroad.
Dedicated to Serving the Minorities
Former social worker Rex Yiu, who recognises himself as a sexual minority, talks about his pains and his service in the Hong Kong LGBT community.
Recording Hong Kong Culture
Vivienne Chow, one of the most well-known cultural journalists in Hong Kong, talks about how she records and preserves local culture through journalism.
Telling Stories Differently
Journalist-turned stand-up comedian Ng Ting-ting continues to tell stories in her new role and views her life with new perspectives.
Going Green
Former advertising professional Jenny Leung Kit-wah devotes herself in voluntary work that helps protect the environment after several brief yet unusual encounters in her life.