
Nurture in Nature

Parents always want to give the best to their children, be it more toys, more clothes, more books or whatever. However, children grow out of their clothes very quickly and lose interest in new just as fast. Varsity meets the parents who believe less is more, except when it comes to time spent with their kids.

Life after Organ Donation

Despite efforts to promote organ posthumous and living organ donation, Hong Kong still has one of the lowest organ donation rates in the world. And both donors and recipients may encounter not just health challenges but also problems buying health insurance.

The Furry Therapists

Social workers say therapy animals can help draw socially withdrawn youth out of their shells, and their bedrooms. But the idea of therapy pets is still new in Hong Kong and doesn’t have the same recognition as guide dogs for the blind.

Too Many International School Places

It is a misconception that Hong Kong doesn’t have enough international school places. In fact, there are too many, says Ruth Benny from Top Schools.

Eat with Caution

With 8 per cent of Hong Kong children suffering from allergies, many parents avoid giving their kids many types of food. Varsity explores why this may not be a good measure and how some allergy tests available in the market are actually useless.

Telling Hong Kong’s Story

The mainland Chinese government is in charge of Hong Kong's foreign affairs, but some Hongkongers think their views are not being represented and have taken on "civic diplomacy" to tell the world about Hong Kong, through organising city tours, as well as musical performances and protests abroad.

Living is not just surviving

Co-living has become a popular topic of discussion. It is a more affordable housing arrangement, and offers a community to be part of. It's also not just for young people. Varsity speaks to the elderly and former drug users to see how co-living has benefited them.

Too Bright at Night

Residents and district councillors from areas most affected by light pollution tell Varsity that the voluntary Charter on External Lighting implemented in 2016 is not doing much to ease the problem.

Trash or Treasure?

Environmentalists who have lost faith in the government's recycling system have come up with their own solution - setting up community resources sharing centres, where people can pass on items they no longer use to other people.

Other Ways to Learn

Many Hong Kong parents believe that giving their kids the best start in life means pushing them to study more and to learn earlier. However, some parents are adopting other learning approaches. Varsity chats with these parents and their children’s teachers to learn about their reasons for pursuing ‘unconventional’ pre-school education.