From Pikachu to Poetry: Su Embroidery
Su Embroidery blends tradition with modern artistry
By Zora Yan
Embroidery master Zhang Xue combines...
Birthday Party as Blessing
NGO spreads love and blessings by holding birthday parties for underprivileged children.
By Hanne Chan
Study Abroad for Better Jobs
Chinese fresh graduates desperate for jobs turn to overseas postgraduate programmes in the hope that they could land on better jobs.
Invisible Victims: Children of Incarcerated Parents
Children's lives are altered forever by their parents' imprisonment as lies are told to cover up the reason for their absence.
An NGO of the elderly by the elderly and for the elderly
An elderly-run NGO provides community services for the elderly to promote active aging in Hong Kong.
NBA Trading Card Scam
Victims recover losses in NBA trading card scams. By Sean Pan
Residents’ worries over influx of tourists to Sha Tau Kok
Residents of Sha Tau Kok are worried about the influx of tourists that might affect the community. By Charlotte Wu
Therapy Dog Spreads Joy and Healing
Therapy dog Curry brings joy and comfort to patients in hospitals and students in educational institutions.
Feathered Friends: Don’t Let Them Fly Away
Parrots eventually returned home after being lost.
By Hannah Tang
Bao Bao, a one-year-old male...
University O’Camps Went Wrong
Sexual assault cases were reported during the university orientation camps and two men were arrested in 2023.