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Editor’s Note

Reimagining Public Space – Editor’s Note

Public space is a crucial element of a city’s liveability. In crowded Hong Kong, where land is maximised for commercial and residential use, the...

Civic Awakening – Editor’s Note

When police cleared, Causeway Bay, the last of the occupied areas, in December, the 79-day Occupy Movement finally drew to a close. The occupation...

Information to Opinion

Living in a materialistic modern society, we believe our life is constructed by things we can see, hear and touch. Many of us are...

Democracy in China’s Shadow

Just before the autumn term began, the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) announced its framework for the Chief Executive election in 2017. The...

Hong Kong’s China Fix?

Ever since the handover, Hong Kong’s greater economic integration with the Mainland has been touted as an engine for future growth. But in recent...

For the Greater Good

We are often told it is more blessed to give than to receive. And Hong Kong people certainly live up to the saying. Hong...

Hong Kong’s Mental Health Woes

Living in a cramped city, with soaring stress levels caused by work and family pressure, Hong Kongers are vulnerable to mental health issues. A...

Young People Speak Up

Just over a year ago, the movement against compulsory national education in Hong Kong’s schools galvanised the city. Support for the campaign came from...

An Uninhabitable City

In 2012, Hong Kong was ranked the world’s most liveable city according to the Economist’s annual liveability index. By such reckoning, Hong Kong should be...

A Brewing Cultural War

I have lived in Hong Kong since I was born. Throughout this time, I always thought my hometown was really a diverse and intriguing place....