Shenzhen: Student Hotspot for Cheap Thrills
Students in Hong Kong spend money in Shenzhen for cheaper prices and more diverse.
Tripping North: Shopping in Shenzhen for Cheap Grocery
Hongkongers flock to Shenzhen’s giant supermarket for cheap grocery.
What to Buy in Hong Kong?
Tourists do not find old fashioned Hong Kong souvenirs in Temple Street appealing.
By Alexia Leung
Home Sweet Home
The homeless struggle to live as their belongings and living space are stripped away by the government.
Homeless Football Team
A football team in Hong Kong composed of homeless individuals who participate in international tournaments and overcome challenges through football.
The Missing Puzzle in Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
No explanation is given in Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum about why Japan was attacked by atomic bombs.
By Daniel...
Long Wait for the Truth
A Hiroshima atomic bomb survivor learnt English at 80 to promote peace.
By Cindy Lee in Hiroshima
Goodbye Hong Kong!
International students have left Hong Kong before the school term ends because of the Omicron outbreak.
A Long Way Home
Mainland students struggle under the lockdown policy in different cities.
Lily Wang
It took mainland...
Let’s Study Together Online
More students choose to use virtual study platforms.
Karmen Yip
University student Anjelica Yeung Ka-yan...