No Place for Fallen Trees

Green groups and scholars criticise the government for disposing of all tree waste at the same location and sending most to landfills, without carrying out resources classification or selection for further recycling.

Sign Up or Sign Off

Colourful neon signs and traditional signboards which leave tourists a dazzling image of Hong Kong can also be dangerous ticking bombs. Varsity looks into how Hong Kong should preserve her vibrant cityscape without endangering public safety.

Divergent Tracks

While some student athletes enjoy adequate support for striking a balance between sports training and their studies, others are not that lucky. Varsity looks into the different situations they face in their schools.

A Daily Struggle Waiting to Be Solved

Tin Shui Wai residents welcome a new public wet market to be built in the district, which may finally break the Link monopoly. But wet market management problems remain.

Sign On

Since the 1970s, the government has stressed the teaching of children with hearing impairments in mainstream schools using spoken and written language, possibly leading to a decline in the use of sign language. Can growing support for adopting a sign-oral language bilingual approach help to reverse the trend?

Caught Off-guard

Hong Kong's public housing estates have mostly shed their shady image from the 1980s and security has improved since CCTV, intercom systems and password operated doors were installed in the 1990s. But as Varsity discovers, lax visitor registration may be compromising safety.

Living and Learning in Parallel

Hong Kong's universities are pursuing internationalisation to attract students from around the globe and to boost their standing in world rankings. But some international students are disappointed when they get here and discover they are living in 'parallel' campuses to local students.

Workplace Woes

Bullying is rampant in Hong Kong workplaces but as Varsity discovers, it's not recognised by the law, few companies have policies on it and few victims report it.

Stopping Superbugs on the Farm

As the excessive use of antibiotics leads to greater resistance and the spread of so-called superbugs, public health experts have identified the use of the drugs in livestock farming as a major problem. Varsity looks at the situation in Hong Kong.

Living with a Stoma

With support and some adjustments, people with stomas can lead full and active lives. but in Hong Kong those who have to use ostomy bags to collect their bodily waste often face ignorance, stigma and financial pressures in their everyday lives.